Tag Archives: Gilot

“Transitions: Works by Francoise Gilot”

Francoise Gilot 'Applause' Oil on Canvas
Francoise Gilot ‘Applause’ Oil on Canvas, Photo Romi Cortier
Francoise Gilot, Oil on Canvas, Photo Romi Cortier
Francoise Gilot, Oil on Canvas, Photo Romi Cortier


Francoise Gilot, 'Sea Goddess', Oil on Canvas, Photo Romi Cortier
Francoise Gilot, ‘Sea Goddess’, Oil on Canvas, Photo Romi Cortier

“Transitions: Works by Francoise Gilot” was a remarkable exhibit that I had the pleasure of seeing at the Oceanside Museum in the summer of 2011. It was curated by Mel Yoakum Ph. D, author of ‘Monograph 1940 – 2000′ Francoise Gilot: Painting – Malerei and Stone Echoes: Original Prints by Francoise Gilot – A Catalogue Raisonne. 

Mel’s knowledge of Gilot’s work is extensive, especially with their 20 plus years of collaboration which began in 1987.  His lecture was rich in detail, and was one of those moments in story telling that you never wanted to end.  The exhibit began with her Labyrinth Series and included important works into the 21st Century. Had I of known I’d be writing this blog post, I would have taken greater care to to get clearer images with the proper dates and titles. The images above were my favorites, and I snapped the photos for my own personal reference. However, they do not begin to capture the remarkable depth of this exhibit.

Due to its resounding success, the ‘Transitions‘ exhibit was taken to the Berman Museum of Art at Ursinus College in the summer of 2012.  To learn more about Gilot’s work, go to francoisegilot.com.